B2B Marketing insights

B2B marketing masterclass

We love B2B storytelling. And over time we’ve formed our own marketing narratives, opinions, advice and tips. We tease out what are B2B’s most effective strategies, content trends and promotions and lots more. We keep our fingers on the pulse, outreach to influencers and thought leaders, collate views, opinions and trends, debate internally, draw upon our collective experience and publish the conclusions. Feel free to nosey around.

Killer B’s in B2B - Balance


There has been a definite shift towards humanising B2B marketing and this recognition has been long overdue. Talking to your audience purely in rational, logical terms simply won’t cut through the clutter. Also, we’ve all been handcuffed to short-term lead generation KPIs for years now while we ignore the benefits of longer-term brand building. 

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Preaching to the converted

There’s no getting round it. Brand building takes time and an investment that won’t see an immediate return. It won’t fit neatly into the quarterly sales quota. If your entire strategy has been predicated on closing with that 5%, you could well see an uncomfortable gap while you change tack. But then, then there’s the payoff.

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B2B targeting: This time it’s persona-l

Those of us of a certain vintage will remember the immortal lines from Saturday night telly: “I am not a number, I am a free man!” as Patrick McGoohan scampers round Portmeirion chased by a big balloon. If you could suspend your disbelief for long enough, you could identify with this chap desperate to escape the shackles – physical and metaphorical – of his anonymous existence and break out into full, individualistic technicolour. 

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Winning hearts and minds in B2B marketing

What do you think of when someone mentions ‘B2B Marketing’? A forest-worth of whitepapers and more gated content than Reading Gaol*? Perhaps it’s events with another suitcase, another conference hall and a three-day diet of danish pastries and a rubber chicken. Actually, right now we really miss the rubber chicken. 

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