B2B Marketing insights

B2B marketing masterclass

We love B2B storytelling. And over time we’ve formed our own marketing narratives, opinions, advice and tips. We tease out what are B2B’s most effective strategies, content trends and promotions and lots more. We keep our fingers on the pulse, outreach to influencers and thought leaders, collate views, opinions and trends, debate internally, draw upon our collective experience and publish the conclusions. Feel free to nosey around.

Killer B’s in B2B - Balance


There has been a definite shift towards humanising B2B marketing and this recognition has been long overdue. Talking to your audience purely in rational, logical terms simply won’t cut through the clutter. Also, we’ve all been handcuffed to short-term lead generation KPIs for years now while we ignore the benefits of longer-term brand building. 

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Improve your B2B podcast interviews with this 1-minute read

Not everyone is a great interviewer. It takes time to learn the skills that will help you make a killer B2B podcast. Squaredot's 7 tips to creating B2B podcasts that will get you noticed (and heard.)

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Are Irish Marketers struggling with B2B marketing strategy?

We highlight three key findings from our Irish Marketing Survey and question whether Irish marketers are struggling with strategy.

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Dublin-based B2B agency in running for Drum Search Awards

Squaredot were judged on an innovative campaign for Ireland’s leading P2P lending company in the B2B awards which focus on search.

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Evaluating Your Content Marketing ROI

There’s something about setting goals that motivates people to take action. Let’s explain this better with an analogy.

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Can B2B Content Marketing Use Irish Storytelling to Make Sales?

Liz Weir is one of Ireland’s leading contemporary storytellers and writers. Her job is to teach the techniques of the Irish tradition to curious learners and listeners.

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Why Writing Shouldn't Be Written off in B2B Content Marketing

‘Will written media and content eventually become obsolete?’ asked a concerned Quora user on the Q&A website back in 2012.

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Samuel Beckett & the (post)modern Marketer

‘The writing isn’t even really that good,’ you sigh when confronted with the triple-figure tally of social shares on a competitor’s B2B marketing blog.

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Lessons in Content Marketing by James Joyce

Nobody really knows why a small, tribal country situated on the edge of Europe boasts such an illustrious mix of scribes, poets and novelists; but it’s true, Ireland has a reputation for producing great writers.

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